News (Page 220)

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 28th February 2021

Second Sunday in Lent                     Year B                                                             28th February 2021 Lectionary readings: Genesis 17 v1-7, 15,16.       Psalm 22 v23-31.          Romans 4 v13-25.                  Mark 8 v31-38.          Follow me. In Mark’s gospel,  Jesus said to his disciples and the gathered crowd, “If any of you want to be my followers, you must forget about yourself.…

Methodism : Her Unfinished Task

Methodism : Her Unfinished Task   by WE Sangster   Epworth Press, 1950  128 pages out of print but may be available secondhand Is it worth reviewing a book published 70 years ago ? The question has to be asked and deserves to be answered. At the time (1950) Dr Sangster was minister at Central Hall, Westminster.…

Musical Interludes

God writes the music for our lives. Our role is to follow His lead—humming, harmonising, blending and singing in tune. Serving the Lord, like singing, can be stirring and rewarding. But when we are set aside by illness, or replacement, or retirement, the interludes can be frustrating and unfilling. When God says to “Come ….rest…


We first visited our manse at the beginning of 2013, the house had stood empty for quite some time and the garden was a bit of a wilderness, the house itself was a bit of a throwback to the 1960’s but one of the big selling points for us was the view across the fields…

Finding Jesus in the Storm

Based on the book – Finding Jesus in the Storm  (The Spiritual Lives of Christians with Mental Health Challenges) by John Swinton. John Swinton is professor of practical theology and pastoral care at the University of Aberdeen and founding director of Aberdeen’s Centre for Spirituality, Health and Disability. He worked as a nurse for sixteen…

Wagon train

In ‘The Complete Disciple’, Paul W. Powell describes a picture of a rugged wagon train painted by a famous artist of the American West. It is night and the wagons have been drawn into a circle for protection. The men are gathered around the campfire, and the wagon-master has a map spread out before him.…

Dear God ….

So who  is your favourite singer?  For many of my age the answer could include one or more of the Beatles or the Rolling Stones or someone else from that amazing range of talent we grew up with.  I was always a bit different – I’d possibly say the Scottish rocker ,New Romantic and co-Founder…

Lent again

So, there we are. Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent and it was during Lent last year that the full enormity of the COVID-19 crisis became recognisable. Countries went into lock-down; people reacted in their own ways to restrictions. Initially there was panic buying in the UK as folk stocked up on the most…

Has science buried God ?

Has science buried God ? Fixed Point Foundation, 2009  dvd  £4  81 mins. Available on You Tube The debate on this topic between Professor Richard Dawkins and Professor John Lennox took place in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. The choice of venue was quite deliberate as it was here in 1860, a year…