News (Page 22)

Imagining a new community

  Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Graham Philpott Daily reading: 6 March – Christian Aid Graham is Director of Church Land Programme in South Africa. The Church Land Programme works to affirm, learn from and journey with those who are systematically excluded and impoverished in their struggles related to land and justice.…

The one with the stick!

My wife and I are regular viewers of the BBC Songs of Praise programme, and I am frequently bemused by the “antics” of the conductor.  Some use a baton, others rely on their hands, but often the conducting doesn’t seem relevant to the timing. There is such a variety of actions that I wonder how the congregation…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 10th March 2024

Fourth Sunday in Lent                                 Year B                                                 10th March 2024 Lectionary readings Numbers 21 v4-9.   Psalm 107 v1-3, 17-22.   Ephesians 2 v1-10.   John 3 v14-21                        Symbols of God’s saving activity. In the gospel reading John is linking the lifting up of Jesus on the cross with the bronze snake lifted up on a pole…


I have to confess I have been feeling rather smug over the past 5 months. After the serious deluge of rain in October, and also probably as a result of heavy groundworks lorries thundering up and down to a new housing development, the road towards Hadleigh collapsed and the Highways Agency were forced to close…

Make a stand.

It often saddens me that we seem to live in such an angry world today, I find myself being ticked off by other road users, when I have done nothing wrong, and it is I that should be complaining.  I watch the BBC’s Question Time and find myself getting quite upset by the appalling behaviour…

A simple soul

It’s hard to believe that we are so far through this year already. A few years ago at about this time I wanted some compost for a couple of plants. I had half a bag and opened it very cautiously (I’m very much a wimp regarding slugs and I didn’t want to stick my hand…

God of more than enough

I’ve just returned from the AGM of Together For Ipswich who work ‘across Ipswich churches, charities, local authorities and anchor institutions to enable the people of Ipswich to thrive and grow physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually’. It is easy to be overwhelmed by the needs of our community but lots is being done that’s very…