News (Page 219)

Drums ?

A sense of humour is an asset at any time but especially so when times are drab and dreary, colourless, hemmed in with restrictions. At such a time, where is it possible to find something to raise a laugh, a chuckle or just a grin ? Going back in time, one can recall the antics…

Dreams and Faith

There are times when our focus on God is distorted by our human overlay. In other words, we mould the message to suit what we are feeling. A recent sermon (Transfiguration Sunday) gave me the stimulus to share this experience which I have never shared before. It was 1982. I was 22, my mother was…

When 2 or 3 gather

During the pandemic, and before, I’ve been working in a specialist area of a primary school. We’ve had a lot of lovely moments and perhaps another time I’ll write some more about those, but for now I’ll stick to one or two. Children are incredibly resilient, and those I work with have been nothing but…

Spring is coming

To wake up in the morningand see a scarlet skythen hear the birds singingas from the nest they fly To gaze across green fieldswatching sheep and cattle grazehear sounds of lambs being bornfrom the first light of the morn To walk the ancient paths of oldthat men have walked beforedear England, may your countrysidebe in…

February Newsletter (No.2)

Dear Friends    We are now in the season of Lent and included in this letter is Mike Peck’s Bible Study notes for this Sunday 28th February (Click this link) . Also included is a Self-care article  entitled  “Love yourself through Lent”.  A reminder daily on-line resources can be found at and on the websites…