News (Page 216)

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 21st March 2021

Fifth Sunday in Lent                                    Year B                                                21st March 2021 Lectionary Readings: Jeremiah 31 v31-34;     Psalm 51 v1,2;     Hebrews 5 v5-10;     John v20-33. ‘Freedom from bondage’ and ‘Daring to think differently’. John, writing at the end of the first century, was mindful of the everyday persecution suffered by Christian communities spread across the eastern…

Leap of faith

When Leo and Amy opened a 300 seat, fine-dining restaurant, Leo admitted he was “scared of everything.” Amy equates their leap of faith in starting their business to holding hands while jumping off a mountain. But if you’re going to do something scary, “you want to do it with someone you know and trust,” Leo…


I still get quite emotional as I look at this beautiful picture of class one at the Dunblane Primary School. Yesterday marked the twenty fifth anniversary of perhaps one of the darkest days in recent British history, we have a very similar school class photograph featuring our eldest daughter when she was the same age…


I have a hopeless memory for things that must be done and so I use a combination of a diary and to-do list to manage myself. Some of you will recognise the need. A to-do list is all very well, but it only helps us manage our jobs if we do the things listed. Tasks…

A Reflection for Lent

Scripture:  Matthew 6:16“When you fast, do not look sombre as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting.  I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.  But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be…

Bear hunt

When the ground was covered in snow and we were unsure about venturing out in case we slipped over and checked the freezer to establish how long we could leave it before a shopping trip I was reminded of a book we read to our children when they were little, it was called ‘Kipper’s snowy…

She became a friend

There were a lot of women after the 1914 -18 War who  never married.  There were not enough men to go round and some women simply never met anyone to equal the ones they had lost.  At the top of our Road as I grew up lived the Misses A. Both had been engaged as the…

New Dawn India

NewDawn India exists to provide support for the Vidiyal Programme, ‘Vidiyal’ means a new dawn or new beginning, and new hope.


In one of my previous musings I have mentioned Mabel, the owl who lives in Christchurch Park.(Although it might actually be Mabel’s offspring, Matilda now). Recently on one of my runs I couldn’t see her in her usual hole in the tree. It took me a while but then I eventually spotted her on one…