News (Page 214)

The mothering Church

Singing the Faith No  409   –  Let us build a house where love can dwell….. We started a Prayer Space, just a small area in the church, where people could go whatever the time of day to be quiet, to read from books provided, to use simple art materials left around and express their…

A Christian Manifesto – DVD Review

A Christian Manifesto  by Rev Dr Francis Schaeffer   dvd  60 minutes also available on YouTube This was a lecture given in 1982 in Florida by a leading American evangelical, a philosopher and theologian whose influence was widely felt not just in the USA but in Europe as well. The substance of the lecture, given in…

Worship Will Never Be The Same

It is now one year on since the first lockdown in March 2020.  What is the verdict on faith & the role it has played? We have witnessed priests being barred from entering churches & cathedrals transformed into vaccination centres showing how they can serve society in new ways. There was a realisation that while…


We all have anniversaries of one sort or another.  Our birthdays immediately come to mind and then those of our family and friends.  Some months are full of all types of anniversaries, March is particularly difficult for me, but June and July are full of joy of one kind or another. March might be difficult,…

March Newsletter – No 2

Dear Friends Included in this letter is Mike Peck’s weekly reflection on the set lectionary readings and a poster giving you the information you require regarding Worship Opportunities in Church during Holy Week and Easter Sunday in the Felixstowe Mission Area. This poster will also be displayed at the Churches. If you are able to…