News (Page 213)

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 4th April 2021

Easter Sunday                                                           Year B                                    4th April 2021. Lectionary Readings:  Isaiah 25 v6-9; Psalm 118 v14-24; 1 Cor15 v1-11, 20; Mark 16 v1-8. What if? Mark was writing to a mix of people, some with a Jewish background and a knowledge of scripture, (our Old Testament), and others from a ‘Gentile’ background with no…

An outpouring of Love.

We now find ourselves in Holy Week and traditionally one of the stories we look at during this week is the anointing of Jesus at the home of Simon.  (Mark 14 verses 3-11.) This was the final story that we reflected upon in this year’s online Circuit Lent Course. Thank you to all those from…

Death in the City by Francis A Schaeffer

Death in the City by Francis A Schaeffer  IVP, 1969  127 pages £11.00 ISBN 0 851 103 472 Dr Schaeffer was a leading, American, evangelical theologian and philosopher of the last century. He was most closely associated with L’Abri Fellowship based in Switzerland, using his  knowledge and skills in apologetics and philosophy to bring many…

Covid Heroes

We have now passed the first anniversary of the beginning of the first Lockdown in England and when you look back over the last year, you might be shocked that we are where we are today.  We have experienced so much during this time, queuing to get into supermarkets, having to get used to wearing…

Hybrid Vigour

In a couple of contexts recently I have been interested to read about the challenges and benefits of blended learning; this is the mixture of on-line and face to face teaching which is part of life for children and teachers in the primary school where I am a governor and for students and lecturers at…