News (Page 21)


Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Canon Ian Rees, Rector of Central Swansea at the time of writing Something to read I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears. – Psalm 34:4. Something to think about I think this verse is another great…


It was a pleasure to hear a hymn sung on the radio recently, that sadly I have not heard sung in a church for many years. I share the verses with you today and trust as you read them and meditate upon the words, that it will bring an overwhelming sense of gratitude. The wording…


Our accommodation during our visit to Northumberland was in a house as part of the Chillingham estate. The castle itself was not marked on our road atlas but the Wild Cattle centre was. These cattle are completely untamed, have been untouched by human hands and never had any veterinary interventions. The castle was like a…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 3rd November 2024

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time                   Year B                         3rd November 2024. Lectionary Readings: Deuteronomy 6 v1-9;     Psalm 119 v1-8;     Hebrews 9 v11-14;     Mark 12 v28-34. The most important commandment. One of the teachers of the law of Moses….. asked Jesus “What is the most important commandment?” Jesus answered “The most important one says: ‘people…

My Glasses

 “The eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light” Matthew 6:22-23(NRSV) Last month, when my wife got her first pair of glasses, I was reminded of my own experience in Year 9 when I first started wearing specs. One of my challenges…

Visiting Friends Part 2

Last week I wrote about my friends from N.I. who visited me in Felixstowe. We had another mini adventure while they were here. I asked if anyone fancied going on the Big Wheel. I’m not a great lover of heights and had only been on it once before. It was in the evening and as…

Whatever is pure…

I was the party pooping parent who never took their children trick or treat-ing. I was the teacher who didn’t do orange and black displays of pumpkins and cats or read witchy stories at this time of the year. I’ve always hated Halloween. Even now I think it is the worst week of ‘Strictly’ with…

This may hurt

I recently half heard a discussion about the hard work and discomfort associated with recovery from a particular operation. The person concerned had acquired a new joint to replace one that was unreliable and painful but had not entirely allowed for the commitment needed to make the most of the process. I have not had…