News (Page 21)


In two of the smaller rooms in our home, we have heat/light bulbs that prove beneficial at colder parts of the day. On one occasion, a visitor was using the facilities and, because he was tall, soon became aware of the heat on his head!  We would not have known of this if he had…

Climb every mountain

I recently joined with a group of us from Elmsett to visit one of our church members who has been in hospital following a severe stroke. He had suggested that we could meet in the chapel at All Hallows, Ditchingham and share in worship together. It was wonderful to have a full church with voices…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 17th March 2024

Fifth Sunday in Lent                                    Year B                                                17th  March 2024 Lectionary Readings: Jeremiah 31 v31-34;     Psalm 51 v1,2;     Hebrews 5 v5-10;     John 12 v20-33. ‘Freedom from bondage’ and ‘Daring to think differently’. John, writing at the end of the first century, was mindful of the everyday persecution suffered by Christian communities spread across the…


Tomorrow is Mothering Sunday as I’m sure you all must know. There are so many cards in the shops and adverts for presents and flowers we could hardly forget. So many of us are looking forward to being a bit spoiled but on the other hand there are so many who are not looking forward…

Terrible Things

War memorials are always hard places for me. When there are a lot of names the feeling grows; I cannot but feel for all the different families and how it would have felt as the loss linked with every name was realised. In 1953 there was a massacre on the island of Sao Tome, which…

Imagining a new community

  Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Graham Philpott Daily reading: 6 March – Christian Aid Graham is Director of Church Land Programme in South Africa. The Church Land Programme works to affirm, learn from and journey with those who are systematically excluded and impoverished in their struggles related to land and justice.…