News (Page 207)

Fit for purpose

My Grandma lived right opposite Calverley Methodist Church (pictured below) and the story goes that one day, while applying for life insurance, she was asked her date of birth “the 10th of June” she replied, but couldn’t remember the year, so she got up from her chair walked over to the front room window, looked…

Pandemic words – ‘Admit’

I wonder if we will ever go back to church meetings as they were, before lockdown? You know, when there was a Church Council, and it was dark and rainy, or thick fog and ice, and your first thought was that the sofa in your lounge looked a lot more inviting than a hard chair…

Getting Ready

When I was a boy at home, one of the pre-harvest rituals on the farm was that of ‘getting the combine ready’. In the late 1960s and early 1970s machines were very much smaller than those we see now and almost every farm had its own. Farm pest control was not so good in those…

May Newsletter

Dear Friends Welcome to the May Newsletter with news of what is happening in Felixstowe Mission Area.  Please find enclosed a Prayer Book entitled “Seeking the Sprit” celebrating the Gift of the Holy Spirit, for use in preparation for Pentecost. Pentecost Sunday falls on 23rd May and there will be an Ipswich Circuit Zoom Service…