News (Page 206)


Those of us who are fortunate to have gardens have probably appreciated the birds chirruping and flying around.  We have plenty of wood pigeons, blue tits, coal tits, a goldfinch and a pair of blackbirds and , of course, our resident robin. The robin is always singing and often follows me when I am weeding…

Joan’s Jottings – May

Dear Siblings in Christ, Our three churches are now open every Sunday: Chantry at 9.30 a.m. Museum Street at 10.45 a.m. Landseer Road at 11 a.m. Here is May’s preaching plan (*=communion): Museum St Chantry Landseer Rd Video 2nd May Welbourn Pell Pell Cope 9th May *Pell *Pell Finbow M Cassidy J 16th May Ascension…

May 2021 Circuit Plan

This is a copy of the Circuit Plan for May 2021 Due to the current situation this may be subject to change so please do check back and also check with Churches individual Facebook pages and websites for updates. . Key: Z=Zoom, S=Sacrament (Holy Communion) You can download a PDF copy of the plan by…

Justice lifts the nations

We are accustomed to hearing preachers talk of the love of God.  We do need to hear that reassurance, of course, but when do we hear of the other characteristics of God’s nature – his sovereignty, his patience, his grace, his holiness, his perfection, his goodness, his omnipresence or his justice, for example ? (there…

Pentecost Cookies

Pentecost is one of the most important festivals in the Church’s year. At Christmas and Easter we eat Christmas Pudding and Simnel Cake, but I don’t have any traditional recipes to cook for Whitsun / Pentecost. Does anyone know of any? My family loves cookies, so we thought up these Pentecost cookies – they’re yellow…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 9th May 2021

Sixth Sunday of Easter                                 Year B                                                9th May 2021 Lectionary Readings:   Acts 10 v44-48;    Psalm 98;    1 John 5 v1-6;    John 15 v9-17. Jesus said “I command you to love each other” (John 15 v17). OK, Jesus, I hear your command, but Lord, some people are difficult to love! You, Lord, know that human…

Under his protective wings

Most people know that dialling 911 in the United States will get them in touch with emergency help. It’s so simple that even pre-schoolers have saved the lives of family members by using it. Three numbers do it all. In an emergency, help is as close as three pushes on the phone keypad. Often, though,…