News (Page 202)

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 6th June 2021

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                        Year B                                          6th June 2021 Lectionary readings:1 Samuel 8 v4-20; Psalm 138; 2 Corinthians 4 v13-5v1;  Mark 3 v20-35 The true source of the power to heal. People in ancient times lived in fear of demons, who they thought were responsible for a whole range of what we would…

Decisions, decisions…

Psalm 46 v 1 and 10a.God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in troubleHe says, “Be still, and know that I am God How many decisions do you make each day? I have never counted them and I think the number would be quite large. The first for most people would probably be “will I get up…

“Hello, how are you?”

I had a wonderful moment last weekend. As it happens, I was walking home from Church, across a park by our house. A young boy was running around, with the lady caring for him sitting on a bench nearby. Aware of social distancing, I decided to move to walk around them both, to avoid walking…

Gods nature

My sister is one of the most long suffering, patient people I have ever met. I incline to irascibility and while I always regret and often have to apologise for shortness of temper, I find it hard to be as good as she appears to be. I do not suppose I am alone in not…

Pandemic Words – ‘Lockdown’

Never in my life before March 2020 had I come across the word ‘lockdown’ with its meaning, that for our protection from the virus, most places were shut, including the doors of our houses. Lockdown has meant different experiences for different people. For the most vulnerable, it has meant ‘imprisonment’ in their homes, for others…

Replacing God

It was CS Lewis who wrote in Mere Christianity “Nearly all that we call human history… [is] the long, terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.” God himself opened Pandora’s box when he gave to every human being the freedom either to believe in him or…