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Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 24th March 2024

Palm Sunday                                     Year B                                                 24th March 2024 Lectionary Readings:                       Psalm 118 v1-2, 19-29.          Mark 11 v1-11. A threat to national security? I doubt whether Pontius Pilate enjoyed his visits to Jerusalem. As the Emperor’s local governor, charged with maintaining law and order, he was obliged to be present at major Jewish…


The most popular topic of conversation in our village at the moment is the state of the roads. Unfortunately last autumn the first heavy lot of rain resulted in part of our road subsiding to such an extent the road had to be closed.(See TFTD 4/3/24) This has meant a 6 mile diversion out of…

St Patrick

Tomorrow, the 17th March is Saint Patrick’s Day. There are no definite dates for him but it is generally thought that he was a 5th-century Christian missionary and Bishop in Ireland. When he was 16, he was captured by Irish pirates and taken from his home in Britain to be a slave. During this time,…

Grandma’s Bag:

Last time I visited the grandchildren, I used a colourful shopping bag printed on the outside with pictures of flying bees. This caught the attention of my son’s partner who had recently been teaching the children about British wildlife and she called the youngest granddaughter over. Pointing to a particular flying bee, she said to…

A time to speak

It takes courage to speak in public. Some people become nervous, even in small gatherings, even among friends. This nervousness is often driven by a lack of certainty in what we are saying, to develop an opinion by thinking aloud makes us vulnerable. I am writing this on the day of the funeral, in a…


Today’s contributor, Kathy Galloway is a practical theologian and former co-leader of the Iona Community. The Lord will have compassion.  Something to read The Lord will not reject for ever. Although he causes grief, he will have compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love; for he does not willingly afflict or grieve anyone. –…