News (Page 191)

Surveillance capitalism : the hidden costs of the digital revolution

Surveillance capitalism : the hidden costs of the digital revolution by Jonathan Ebsworth, Samuel Johns, and Michael Dodson Jubilee Centre, 2021 (Cambridge Papers vol 30 no 2 June 2021) Available to download for free at New terminology arises today at breathtaking speed and the Jubilee Centre provides a valuable service in not only drawing…

God is with me – Ayrton Senna

I heard somebody talking in an interview on television recently about the Brazilian racing driver Ayrton Senna, arguably one of the best racing drivers of all time.  He had a formula one career spanning ten years and until 2006 he held the record for the most pole position starts, he raced in 162 world class…

Farewell to a Minister

I’ve made a bag!  But it’s not just any old bag. It’s a bag full of memories.  Memories of the time spent with our Minister over 7 years.Rev Diane Smith retires today after 7 years of ministry in the Ipswich Circuit, working with 4 churches & the Dock Chaplaincy (which have been embroidered on the…

How forgiveness works

How forgiveness works by Jonathan Baker  Grove Books, 1995  (Grove Spirituality series, 53)    24 pages £3.95     ISBN 978 1 851 742 913 The beauty and attractiveness of Grove Books is that they cover big subjects in a short span. This one, dealing with forgiveness, is no exception. In just 24 pages, Jonathan Baker…

The Olympics of Life!

Hebrews 12:1    “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” The 2020 Olympics in Tokyo are in full swing as I write this.  They…

“Prayer of Jabez”

How many people have heard of Jabez? It’s not a name that immediately springs to mind, but he has a very simple prayer that can be found in the book of Chronicles. The early chapters of Chronicles appears to be a list of the various clans from Adam to Abraham, and then suddenly this short…

Free from pride

But there are walls that keep us all divided;we fence each other in with hate and war.Fear is the bricks-and-mortar of our prison,our pride of self the prison coat we wear.           Fred Kaan (1929-2009) translated from the Swedish of Anders Frostenson (1906-2006)English translation © 1974 Stainer & Bell Ltd. Hallin Fell is not a significant Wainwright…

God’s Table – An Invitation for All

Every year the new Methodist Church President and Vice-President select a theme for their year.  This year it is “God’s Table – An Invitation for All”. I remember in 2000 Rev Inderjit Bhogal was President and he had a similar theme of God’s Table. One of the things about Methodism is the way we always…