News (Page 19)

Hymnology is not theology

I don’t remember when I first heard that quote but I recall a young Bible student frequently using it especially as we sang Christmas carols.  I am sure that many parents would have appreciated, albeit temporarily, a baby of whom it was said, “No crying He makes!” Some years ago, when I was facing a…

We will remember them

Sam was 24 when, on 3rd May 1917, he was making his way to the first aid tent, having received minor injuries on the frontline in the battle of the Somme. He was caught up in a bomb blast as he crossed the trenches and killed outright. “Fortunately” his body was recovered and he was…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 17th November 2024

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time                  Year B                                17th November 2024. Lectionary readings: Daniel 12 v1-3;   Psalm 16;   Hebrews 10 v11-25;   Mark 13 v1-8. Troubles. “Nations and kingdoms will go to war against each other. There will be earthquakes in many places and people will starve to death. But this is just the beginning…

Lest we forget

Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Rev Josefa Mairara (Army chaplain) Remembrance, for me, is a time to pause and reflect on the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform, and their commitment to risking their lives for our nation’s freedom. We are part of a nation with a legacy…

I am a simple poppy

Nursing in the 1970’s in Belfast was not easy as this was the time of “The Troubles” as it has been called. We faced many difficulties, even in getting to the hospital, but we carried on with our work to the best of our ability. Some terrible things do stick in your mind more than…


Around about this time last year I was walking into town and noticed something in the gutter. It was a green plastic soldier – rather scratched and distorted, having been crushed by parked cars and half hidden by fallen leaves. It made me think of the tomb of the unknown soldier in Westminster Abbey. Originally…


My father used to tell us how he spent Coronation Day in 1953. He climbed Ben Nevis which was, coincidentally, when the first confirmed ascent of Mount Everest was achieved. One person’s achievement is another person’s walk in the park; one person’s victory is beyond another’s reach. Only one person could have been crowned Queen…

Bread alone

Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Rev Claire Jones Something to read The tempter came and said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.’ But he answered, ‘It is written, “One does not live by bread alone, but by every…