News (Page 183)

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 19th September 2021

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                  Year B                             19th September 2021 Lectionary Readings: Jeremiah 11 v18-20;  Psalm 54;  James 3 v13-4 v3, 7-8a; Mark 9 v30-37. Welcome Jesus said, “When you welcome even a child because of me, you welcome me. And when you welcome me, you welcome the one who sent me.” (Mark 9…

The Twelve Prophets with Hebrew text

The Twelve Prophets with Hebrew text, English translation and commentary.Soncino Press, 1948  368 pages   Available secondhand from Amazon via Langdon etraders The series of Soncino commentaries in 14 volumes covering the whole of the Tenach has stood the test of time (with many reprints) in offering knowledgeable, helpful and wise comments on the text of…

Net Zero

My wife and I had been doing the rounds of relatives, delivering Christmas presents during Advent 1990 and I remember having a conversation in the car as we headed for home. We were talking about the turn of the milennium in just ten years time and I will never forget the moment Karen (my wife)…


When I think of music it is usually Classical and, in the car, I always have it tuned in to Classic FM.  But there are so many different kinds of music and musical instruments. In Jewish times music was very important – not as spectators but as playing instruments, dancing and singing.  For instance, when…

Coffee Cups

Ways to be Green – Plastic & waste Take a reusable cup with you for your take away, Tea / Coffee rather than using a disposable one from the outlet. Not only is this more environmentally friendly – it will also usually save you money as most high street Coffee stores give a discount if…

If the cap fits

Most of us will have had the experience of being thoroughly uncomfortable when reading or listening to something that seems aimed directly at us. The old idiom, ‘if the cap fits, wear it’ means that if something feels true then take it in good part together with what follows. This verse from Jude is direct,…

Pan Lids

Ways to be Green – save energy Today’s idea is another very simple one ! Keep a lid on pans when cooking. You will use less energy to cook your food (and it will cook quicker!) For more information email

Every drop counts …

A while ago the city of Hong Kong was blanketed with posters showing a single drop of water splashing into a pool. Each poster bore the words “Hong Kong Against Corruption.” The message was clear—integrity or dishonesty permeates a city one person at a time. It’s easy to compromise in little things because they seem…