News (Page 181)

Our prayers for healing

Over the last few months, I’ve had the honour to receive so many messages in all shapes and forms from people telling me they are praying for me.  One or two came from people I didn’t even know but who had heard of my situation from mutual friends.  The love and support which came through…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 26th September 2021

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time.                Year B                         26th September 2021. Lectionary Readings: Numbers 11 v4-29;  Psalm 19 v7-14;  James 5 v13-20;  Mark 9 v38-50. For and Against. John said, “Teacher, we saw a man using your name to force demons out of people. But he was not one of us, and we told…

The multicoloured Arctic…

Did you know that Greenland was in fact named by the Norwegian-born Icelandic Viking Erik the Red who was exiled there for manslaughter? He named it Greenland in an effort to entice travellers to settle there. Far from being green, over 80% of Greenland is covered by a pure white ice sheet, and is the…

Camera Off

Ways to be green: Save Energy When doing video calls, like Zoom, Facetime or Skype, turn off you camera. It saves 96% of the energy used in the call For more information email

The Uniqueness of Chris

The Uniqueness of Christ by David Pawson 2 DVDs Anchor Recordings, 1990 4 hours £9.99 This presentation is also available free to view or to download at There is also a slightly different version on YouTube 1 hour 28 minutes There are 6 teaching sessions in these two DVDs –  Part 1 Is He…


There are times when I can be remarkably practised in the art of selective amnesia. It is easy to remember things in the past that were happy or good times or when I did well at something; it is less easy to recall those times when I failed or made a fool of myself. There…