News (Page 179)

“And only one said Thank You.”

It’s so easy to make our prayer times purely times for asking.  Jesus encourages us to ask, especially in His name, and so asking is important.  But what about the other types of prayer? In the story of the Ten Lepers in Luke 17 we hear of how ten men suffering from this dreadful disease…

October 2021 Circuit Plan

Due to the current situation this may be subject to change so please do check back and also check with Churches individual Facebook pages and websites for updates. Key: LA=Local Arrangement, Z=Zoom, S=Sacrament (Holy Communion) You can download a PDF copy of the plan by clicking here

You are what you eat…..

There are two things that are meant to improve your chances of selling your house; the smell of freshly ground coffee and freshly baked bread. Apparently, the aroma of freshly baked bread evokes pleasant memories of childhood – and has more to do with chemistry than it does psychology. In an effort to cut down…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 3rd October 2021

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time                        Year B                         3rd October 2021. Lectionary Readings: Genesis 2 v18-24;   Psalm 8;  Hebrews 1 v1-4, 2 v5-12;  Mark 10 v2-16. Bonds of love. Jesus said, “I promise you that you cannot get into God’s kingdom unless you accept it the way a child does.” (Mark 10 v15). Babies and…

Grow Your Own !

Ways to be green : Garden & wildlife Grow your own fruit and vegetables. Much tastier, fresher and loads fewer food miles. For more information email


I have heard friends say that they have stopped listening to the news. It is always full of bad things and disasters that it just makes them feel worse so they give up. I have a good deal of sympathy for this view as I often find myself either shouting back at the TV or…