News (Page 173)

Celebrate a Toilet!!

For those who have a delicate nature be warned this thought contains details of bodily functions you may find disturbing.  So read on at your discretion …. Did you know that in 4 weeks’ time, on the 19th November it is National Toilet Day? There is a day for everything these days. I thought you…

Crumpled Clothes ?

Psalm 136 v 1.Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. You don’t have to live long in this world before it becomes painfully clear that nothing lasts forever. The car you were so proud of when you bought it is spending too much time in the garage getting fixed. Those clothes…


I recently had a birthday card, not a significant one, although as I get older they are all significant!  One of my cards from a very good friend said: Wishing you HappyBack to Normal,Near Normal,Normal as there is,Close to NormalBirthday. It made me wonder where I am. I came to the conclusion that it often…

Silver Shoes

We had a bit of a moment recently; I sent a photograph of a clean pair of shoes to my daughter who panicked and replied, ‘what have you done. My work shoes have gone silver?’. It was nothing of the sort of course, just a trick of the light and not a problem. When I…

Solar Panels

Ways to be green – Save Energy Today’s idea is a little more involved – but can you investigate the possibility of installing PV Solar Panels on your roof ? These can generate electricity for yourself and there are also opportunities to sell surplus energy to your energy supplier. For more information email