News (Page 161)

Fruits of the Spirit 7

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Hannah was a troubled young woman. She shared her husband, as was the custom, with another wife, who had produced many sons and daughters. Sadly, Hannah was unable to…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 9th January 2022

First Sunday in Ordinary Time                   Year C                                     9th January 2022 Lectionary Readings:   Isaiah 43 v1-7;    Psalm 29;    Acts 8 v14-17;    Luke 3 v15-17, 21-22. Symbols of God’s presence. In response to the crowd’s speculation that he might be ‘the Messiah’, John the Baptist said, “I am baptizing with water. But someone more powerful is…

Star Words

A gift of light for you. If you would like a star word to help you with a spiritual focus for 2022, use the star word generator linked to this post.


So that’s it then! We’ve lit all the candles, sung the carols, and put the baby in the manger.  The innkeeper has turned Mary and Joseph out into the stable, the angels have sung: Glory to God in the highest Peace on earth, goodwill to all men. The shepherds have visited and the wise men…

Art and the Bible

Art and the Bible : two essays by Francis A Schaeffer   IVP Books, 1973  94 pages  about £6ISBN 978 0 830 834 013 Dr Francis Schaeffer is probably best known for his connection with L’Abri Fellowship in Switzerland. L’Abri now has branches in many countries including the UK. Francis Schaeffer was a noted speaker (many…


One of Dame Vera Lynn’s wartime songs was ‘when the lights go on again all over the world’. The lyrics go on to talk about the permanence of love and marriage and ships sailing again after the dark years of the semi-stultified existence of war, or so I read it. Sunset can be a very…

For the Future Take Us

Inevitably, I am writing this thought for 2022 before Christmas when it is difficult to second guess what the next fortnight will hold. When I was a child, I remember being warned not to wish for the end of things I did not like for that was to wish away life. I take the point.…

Staying on Course

1 Timothy 1 v 5.The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith When you set sail on the high seas you need to know three important facts: your location, your destination and your course. By referring to a map and using a compass…