News (Page 16)

Give it a try?

I love Autumn and all the glorious colours of the leaves. What I don’t like is when the fallen leaves block drains and when they become very slippery. It’s like frost when I walk very cautiously. The following passage is a prayer taken from the little book “You Must Be Joking Lord” by Michael Hollings…


A pious teenage girl reports that she has been visited by an angel. Then it becomes apparent that she is pregnant. Can you imagine the headlines? I’m so glad the birth of Jesus happened when it happened. If it happened today – would there be calls for her to have an abortion? Was Mary technically…

Who cares?

It is rare to come across an empty road during the normal day. This year on 11th November I was driving to a meeting in the West Midlands and realised that if I wanted to stop for 2 minutes at 11:00 my place of remembrance would be Corley Services on the M6. My experience there…

Incarnation – Jesus says, ‘I am’.

Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Dr Frances Clemson, Christian Aid’s Faith Communications and Just Scripture Specialist. Something to read Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, before Abraham was, I am.” – John 8:58. Something to think about Which verses in scripture do you find mind-blowing? What…


I had an unpleasant surprise recently. In a conversation with a “long-time” Christian friend, I recounted how I had dealt with a caller at my home, notwithstanding the special notice on the door next to the front door bell. As I concluded my story, she said, “That was not very Christian!” I apparently showed my…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 1st December 2024

First Sunday of Advent                                Year C                                 1st December 2024 Lectionary readings: Jeremiah 33 v14-16;  Psalm 25 v1-10;  1 Thessalonians 3 v9-13;    Luke 21 v25-36. Looking back and moving on. The lectionary readings this week are a curious mix. They seem to be inviting us to look back to our roots, to ponder our…

God through me

I recently attended the funeral of a dear lady who had been a member of our church. She had moved down to East Anglia as she was living with dementia which had progressed to the stage where she was unable to continue living on her own. When I first met her it was clear that…