News (Page 156)


The Thought for the Day is from Genesis 46 v 1-7 and 28-30. Jacob makes his long journey to relocate to Egypt. This got me thinking about my own journey from N. Ireland to Felixstowe.  On Thursday, the 8th October 5 years ago Drew and I left Portrush. When we were setting off I remember…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 6th February 2022

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                   Year C                                     6th February 2022 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 6 v1-8 (9-13); Psalm 138; 1 Corinthians 15 v1-11; Luke 5 v1-11. You (Lord) have made us what we are. The notion of God making us what we are is reflected in all today’s readings. Isaiah is commissioned by God to…

What excuses do we make?

Are you a prevaricator or a procrastinator? Do you put things off until tomorrow? We can make all sorts of excuses, or we try to tell ourselves, all sorts of reasons not to do something. Just take a look at some of the Old Testament characters who God used as his mouthpiece. Moses was a…

The Sunflower – Book Review

The Sunflower : on the possibilities and limits of forgiveness by Simon Wiesenthal and othersSchocken Books, NY     Revised and expanded edition, 1997   ISBN 978 0 805 210 606 Simon nWiesenthal is a Holocaust survivor and well-known as the founder of the Jewish Historical Documentation Centre which, through its investigations, brought more than 1000 Nazi criminals…

O Joy that seekest me through pain

I am often in awe of great wordsmiths who write profound lines in poetry, hymns and songs. George Matheson, a blind Scottish minister of religion wrote a famous hymn on the evening before his sisters wedding.  Mattheson had lost his sight aged twenty, while he was trianing for the ministry and engaged to be married. …

The visitor

One day a man went to visit a church.  He got there early, parked his car and got out. Another car pulled up and the driver got out and said, ‘I always park there!  You took my place!’ The visitor went inside for the service, found an empty seat and sat down. A young lady…

Bees and Nature

One of my Christmas presents was the new Abba CD called “Voyage.” I think the music on it is really beautiful and the words to some of the songs are very inspiring. The title of the 8th track is “Bumblebee” and at our Fellowship Meeting we used this as the theme for our chat. We…

Dealing with loss

We all deal differently with major life changing events, especially bereavement; some of us cope by keeping busy while others withdraw from busy life. Some of us like to talk about our loss and others cannot bear to hear the name of a loved one who has died. There are no rules and no right…