News (Page 148)

Rogues, Scoundrels & Scallywags of Scripture

WEEK 6 This series of “Thoughts for the Day” is inspired by the study series, NOTORIOUS, written by Jeff Lucas. He and Pastor Brent discuss 9 different characters from the Bible who we would possibly call rogues, scoundrels or scallywags. Each one however can teach us something of our faith. JEZEBEL – was the wife…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 20th March 2022

Third Sunday in Lent                                   Year C                                     20th March 2022 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 55 v1-9;  Psalm 63 v1-8;  1 Corinthians 10 v1-13;  Luke 13 v1-9. Repentance. The Collins dictionary of The Bible defines repentance as follows: Alongside faith in Christ, repentance towards God was an essential requirement for people who wanted to know God for…


Two separate, unconnected events over the last couple of weeks have got me thinking about the people who have influenced my life. I was contacted by the Church Secretary at Calverley Methodist Church in West Yorkshire to ask if I would go back to take part in the one hundred and fifty years anniversary. I…


In March 1791 John Wesley, preacher extraordinaire, died in London. His last words were “The best of all is, God is with us.” What legacy, at least in part, can we record of John Wesley’s life, work and witness in the 18th century? Despite being born and brought up in the household of an Anglican…

How much are you worth?

All America waited anxiously. Many people prayed. Captain Scott O’Grady’s F-16 had been shot down as he was flying over Serbia. Had he been killed or captured? Was he seriously injured? The hours ticked by. Five days passed. On the 6th day another pilot picked up a faint message from O’Grady’s radio. He was alive,…

God is

For people of a certain age brought up in a particular world, to sit by an open log fire is to be content. A sense of security and of warmth leads to relaxation that may be entirely unjustified. While I sat beside the fire in the photograph, happily and sleepily reading a book (in hard…

Take a moment

There is some confusion over the origin of the word Lent. Some say it has Germanic roots meaning ‘to lengthen’ referring to the lengthening of the days and the equinox balancing the timings of darkness and light. Lent also comes from ‘lencten’ an old Anglo Saxon word for Spring. Whichever it is (or maybe it’s…