News (Page 143)


My nine-year-old grandson is Spiderman mad at the moment, I try desperately to have meaningful conversations with him, but have never watched a Spiderman film or read the comic strip.  I listen intently as he tells me the plot of the film in his inimitable expressive way. I have endured this experience several times before…

Gift Calendar

Lent is often seen as a time when we give up something but at Chantry this year we are looking at what we have and being thankful. Some of you will know what a Lent Gift Calendar is as I know it has been done in many churches.  The idea is that each day you…

I will

Franciszek Gajowniczek was a Nazi prisoner in Auschwitz when a fellow inmate escaped. The standard discipline when anyone escaped was to select 10 men at random and place them in a cell where they were left to starve to death. When Gajowniczek heard his name read, he sobbed, “My wife and my children.” At that…

Feeling Entitled

Matthew 4:7 – ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test’. When I was beginning my career my friends and I were relieved to have work, pleased if we were offered promotion and grateful for a pay rise. I started out at a time of high interest rates, high inflation and when employment…

Christ’s transforming power

How much do Christians in Niger, a predominantly Muslim country in West Africa, have to teach Christians in the West ? The Bible Society issues a monthly newsletter to those who belong to the Bible a Month community of about 23,000 people. Two countries are covered in each newsletter with reports from Bible Society secretaries,…