News (Page 137)


I love singing hymns and if you asked me what my favourite is, I wouldn’t know.  There are so many to choose from.  However, one is number 67 in Singing the Faith: “This, this is the God we adore”, written by Joseph Hart.  This hymn goes back to the 1700s and has really stood the…


With the sky clouded over and the evidence of heavy rainfall to be seen everywhere in the sky and on the roads, pavements and gutters, one hesitates to speak of ‘glory’. Glory bespeaks light, radiance, illumination, brightness and effulgence. It is the very antithesis of clouds and darkness, rain and puddles.The RSV Handy concordance begins…

Trusting is hard

When I was about 19 one of our farm hedgerows was cut down because it need to be rejuvenated. I walked past is recently and 40+ years later it is healthy and strong. All those years ago, a kindly man cut me a thumb stick from a fine piece of hawthorn as reminder of the…

I’m a Christian

Have you ever said to someone ‘I’m a Christian’  Sometimes when we are talking to people who are not church-goers and especially if they are going through a tough time we might say ‘I will add you to my prayer list’ or ‘I’m a Christian and I will pray for  you’.  What might those words…

Never lost in the crowd

The Thought for the day is from 2 Timothy 2 v 19. Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.” The guillemot is a small Arctic seabird that lives on the rocky cliffs of northern coastal…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 15th May 2022

Fifth Sunday of Easter                     Year C                                                 15th May 2022 Lectionary Readings:   Acts 11 v1-18;   Psalm 148;   Revelation 21 v1-6;   John 13 v31-35. A challenge within a challenge. Jesus said, “I am giving you a new command. You must love each other, just as I have loved you. If you love each other, everyone…