News (Page 136)

Wheels within wheels

I have always been fascinated by old clocks; the intricacy of a mechanism is astounding but so is the precision of time keeping that is possible when all is well. We have inherited several clocks which tick away happily and require almost no attention apart from their weekly wind. The cogs in a clock movement…

How many?!?!

Revelation 5 verse 11  “Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand.” For many years, my wife and I have ended our breakfast with (so-called) easy-peel satsumas and most mornings I picture the stacked shelf in my local supermarket. Based on the size, each…

Are you afraid?

A mother eagle builds a comfortable nest for her young, padding it with feathers from her own breast. But the God-given instinct that builds that secure nest also forces the eaglets out of it before long. Eagles are made to fly and love will not fail to teach them. Only then will they become what…

Just as we are

The Sunday before last I was due to lead worship at Framlingham, some 27 miles from where I live. It was forecast to be a pleasant sunny day, so I decided the night before to cycle. I calculated that I needed to leave a couple of hours, so set off at 8.30am, leaving plenty of…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 22nd May 2022

Sixth Sunday of Easter                       Year C                                                  22nd May 2022 Lectionary Readings: Acts 16 v9-15; Psalm 67; Revelation 21 v10, 22-22v5; John 14 v23-29. A place for prayer. In today’s passage from Acts we read of Luke joining Paul and his friends in Troas  and journeying to Philippi as a result of a vision given…

Gods and Kings

Gods and Kings : a novel  by Lynn Austin (Chronicles of the Kings vol. 1)Bethany House Publishers, 2005  316 pages £9  ISBN 078 0 764 229 893 This is a novel about Hezekiah, 14th King of Judah (one of the ‘good’ kings) who reigned from 716BC to 687BC. His father was Ahaz, a ‘bad’ king…

Following the rules

We were woken abruptly last Sunday morning (8th May) just before 5am by a horrendous sound outside.  We currently live opposite a building site and the main road has been closed to through traffic for the last five days, so the loud crash and grating noise outside caused us to wake immediately and look out…