News (Page 13)


I really love robins and I like the idea of them being a messenger from God. I have two really old felt robins on my Christmas tree. They were my late mother-in-law’s. I also have two stained glass ones on my lounge window. For my birthday at the beginning of this year my son bought…


Having had four children myself and each time there being a different medical complication, I cringe at the thought of a probable teenager giving birth miles away from her home and family, with no medical care and, to top it all in a stable! What was God thinking? His precious Son, our hope for salvation…

Light, what light?

Today’s reading is Isaiah 9:2-7. Others have written about the appearances in Suffolk in early October of the Northern Lights. It is quite beyond me to understand how my phone camera can pick up colours in the sky which I cannot see with my own eyes. Putting the physics on one side, this gives us…


Returning home early from work, I visited the Granny Annexe to ask the occupant if she would like a cup of tea. Receiving a positive response I returned to spend some time with her and realised she was watching a Christmas service from Cambridge. This was not the usual “Nine Lessons and Carols” but equally…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 22nd December 2024

Fourth Sunday of Advent                             Year C                         22nd  December 2024 Lectionary Readings:   Micah 5 v2-5a;     Hebrews 10 v5-10;     Luke 1 v39-45 (46-55). An invitation to make a connection. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, her baby moved within her. The Holy Spirit came upon Elizabeth. (Luke 1 v41). Why has Luke mentioned the Holy Spirit in…

Advent 3

 Matthew 1:1-17 The bible reading set for today is  a long list of names, 46 in total spanning 2000 years. Some are easy to pronounce, some more difficult. Some are well known, others more obscure. Some were people of heroes of faith, others had rather shady histories. Some were just ordinary people, whose names may…


This thought was first published on 24th December 2023 One of my favourite Christmas songs is “O holy night” I remember a few years ago hearing a teenage girl singing the song and she was pitch perfect, (as far as I could tell) it was a thing of beauty, and I can still remember feeling…


On Sunday afternoon I attended the Cafe and Carols in Kirton. It was a wonderful couple of hours of singing accompanied by our talented musicians and led by the Rev. Jo Jacobs. The atmosphere was excellent and everyone had a smile on their face. It was dark by the time I was driving home. As I…