News (Page 128)

What’s in a Definition?

Christine O’Neil’s recent Thought about William Blake’s ‘Jerusalem’ concluded, ‘Jerusalem is very popular, but is it a hymn?’. I have been thinking about that question ever since, having almost never chosen Jerusalem in over forty years leading worship. Indeed, it is absent from many hymn books. Like many people, I like the rousing tune and…

Not a nettle

The Thought for the Day is from John 18 v 37. God has a plan for our lives that is complete in every detail. The Sovereign of the universe cannot allow any of His plans to be executed haphazardly. He leaves nothing to happenstance. The life of Jesus is a prime example. His coming as…

Ant   Rant

Have you ever seen an obese ant?  Nor have I.  But why not? Attracted as they are to every sugary spill in my kitchen and impossible to deter with every lotion, potion and spray on the market. Where’s the justice in that, God? My blood level sores at the very mention of cake.  My waist…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 3rd July 2022

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                    Year C            3rd July 2022 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 66 v10-14; Psalm 66 v1-9; Galatians 6 v1-16; Luke 10 v1-20. The power of personal testimony In today’s gospel reading Luke recalls that Jesus sent seventy-two of his followers into the towns and villages ahead of him as he made his way…