News (Page 12)

A change of pace

Last week, I had to take my car to the garage for a check. Since the car needed to stay there all day, I decided to walk back home. That walk turned out to be a blessing in disguise. It gave me the opportunity to notice things I had overlooked countless times while driving. I…

Who would think?

I know Christmas Day has been and gone but I still have carols flowing through my mind. One of my favourites, which I had never heard until I moved to Felixstowe 9 years ago is, 222 in Singing the Faith by John Bell.     “Who would think that what was needed      to…

God is at work

Like Janus, the Roman God of beginnings and endings, who gives his name to the first month of the year, this is a time of looking back and forward.  Below is the Ipswich prayer that has been regularly used by many Ipswich churches throughout 2024: Lord God, we thank You and praise You for all…


A Happy Christmas. In a recent Thought Christine O’Neill reminded us of the words of the Gloria. An ancient and beautiful hymn of praise to the glory of God. I wonder what the Shepherds really saw in the night sky when Jesus was born? It may have been indescribable but it was summarised as the…

What’s on your Christmas menu?

What will you be serving on Christmas Day? You may be opting out of the traditional Christmas dinner but, if not, what will you be cooking up? I’ve come to learn there are a few areas where battle lines are drawn. Let’s start with Brussel sprouts. I love them but my wife hates them and…

TODAY (actually tomorrow)

Some churches do not sing the last verse of O come all ye faithful, before Christmas Day, because it states, “Yea Lord we greet this, born this happy morning”. Several days ago I heard the complete hymn sung but the final verse used the words, “Yea Lord we greet this, born that happy morning”. A…

Advent 4   Isaiah 52: 7-10

Have you ever been so excited about something that you can hardly get the news out in time, you trip over your words? I remember the first Christmas my eldest son got really excited. His face when he got up and came downstairs was the best Christmas present I had that year. The bible reading…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 29th December 2024

First Sunday of Christmas.                          Year C                         29th December 2024 Lectionary Readings: 1 Samuel 2 v18-20,26; Psalm 148; Colossians 3 v12-17; Luke 2 v41-52. Nurture. At the end of today’s reading from Luke’s gospel, Luke writes, ‘Jesus became wise’ (v52a). Sure, Jesus became wise as he matured, but I don’t think he was wise at…


As I write this thought of the day let me acknowledge the love and support within our community. I am so thankful for each of you and the joy we bring to each other. What is the meaning of Christmas? Think about it. To most of us the believers it is the celebration of the…