News (Page 119)

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 21st August 2022

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time                  Year C                         21st August 2022 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 58 v9b-14; Psalm 103 v1-8; Hebrews 12 v18-29; Luke 13 v10-17 Compassion trumps ‘Religion’ In today’s gospel reading, Luke recalls an incident where Jesus heals a woman on the Sabbath and upsets the local worship leader! The man in charge of…

2084 : Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity by John C LennoxZondervan Reflective, 2020  239 pages £12  ISBN 978 0 310 109 563 Professor John Lennox is well known for tackling current scientific issues from a Biblical point of view – a careful and thoughtful defender of the Christian faith of the first order.…

The perfect life

Just on the off chance that you think that the above picture is of Karen and I on our recent holiday in Cornwall, relaxing in the sunshine, I’m sorry to disappoint you, although the sea was that lovely turquoise colour and the sun shone most of the time, and we spent a lot of time…

Loss comes to us all

The Thought for the Day is taken from Isaiah 53 v 4.Surely, he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated in 1982. In the first 15 years 54,000 items were left at the Wall. It still…

Too good to be true?

My mother tells this story about growing up after the war with her two older brothers.  They never usually wanted her to include her in their games, especially when they were pretending to be soldiers – marching round the garden with sticks for guns!  However, on this particular day, they invited her to join in.…

My Day in Court

Occasionally circumstances are such that it is necessary to go to Court. The reasons vary from being on a jury to being the accused person. There is a difference between a civil case and a criminal case but for all except those working in the judicial system, the process is rather daunting and may even…

Success and Failure

Success and failure can be seen in secular as well as religious situations. Looking at sport is an easy example of both success and failure in non-religious circumstances. That renowned character of doom and gloom, the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah, is a prime example of both success and failure at one and the same time…