News (Page 110)

No God…No Potatoes!

Russian peasant farmers enjoy telling the story of the day a commissar came to a farmer and enquired about the year’s potato crop. “Oh it was wonderful,” replied the farmer. “Good, good,” said the official. “Just how big was it?” “Oh, it was so big it reached up to the very foot of God.” The…

These are the days of Elijah

I was privileged to attend the welcome service for Rev Abe Konadu-Yiadom recently. It was an inspirational and uplifting meeting. One of the songs the band played for us was ‘These are the days of Elijah’. As we sang it, it struck me how relevant its words were for our situation today. The two prophets…

Ways of Working

Early on in the days of lock-down in 2020, some colleagues remarked that I had adapted easily to working from home. My answer, consistently, will have been that I have been home based since 2006 when my office in Framlingham was closed, I moved home and went largely paperless. In the latter point I was…

Penny Dropping Moments

This Thought for the Day was first published in August 2020 Bible reading – 1 John 1:9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness Have you had those moments when suddenly the penny drops, and you see things more clearly than before?…