News (Page 108)

Buried Treasure

In the gospel reading for today (Matthew 3:44-53) Jesus tells three parables. The hidden treasure is about investing everything in a field known to contain treasure, the pearl is about selling everything to invest in the one priceless jewel while the net is about catching everything and then sorting out what is needed from what…


This thought was first published in October 2020 I have recently been reading “Rewilding the Church” by Steve Aisthorpe, a mission worker in the Scottish Highlands. Taking his cue from recent rewilding initiatives in agriculture & forestry Steve argues that something similar should be happening in the Church. “Rewilding” allows natural forces to “take the…

You can have peace

This thought was first published in June 2020 As we watch our tv screens, read newspapers, listen to radios follow our social media feeds the world can feel anything but peaceful. This can cause us deep unease at times – even as Christians. However, when all around us feels like absolute chaos we can depend…

Spiders Web

Cobwebs, of which there are many, are something to be be brushed away in my house. No sooner has one been removed, than another appears. However one misty morning recently I noticed this beautiful cobweb in our front garden. It was hanging complete between the stalks of various plants in a flower bed, and was…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 16th October 2022

Twenty-nineth Sunday in Ordinary Time              Year C                         16th October 2022 Lectionary readings: Genesis 32 v22-31; Psalm 121; 2 Timothy 3 v14-4 v5; Luke 18 v1-8. Present or Future? Luke recalls a story that Jesus told his disciples about a crooked judge and a persistent widow in order to illustrate how the disciples should keep…

The Cross and the Swastika.

The Cross and the Swastika  by FT Grossmith  Word Publishing, 1988 125 pages out of print ISBN 978 0 850 091 526 The author presents an unusual insight and perspective on the Nuremberg trials held after the end of the Second World War. This is the story of Major Henry Gerecke, an American army chaplain…

9th October 2022

Dear friends, Channel four are currently screening their modern adaptation of the James Herriot story “All creatures great and small” I loved reading the books, more than once and whilst I loved the original BBC story screened from 1978-1990 starring Christopher Timothy, I love the new series. I often find that when we have had…