News (Page 107)

Inspiration on the backs of toilet doors

At the Christian conference centre I visited a while ago, in the ladies’ toilets there were ‘inspirational messages’ on the backs of the cubicle doors which certainly made me pause for thought. The first was this one: “It is during the worst storm in your life that you get to see the true colors of…

The C word.

Luke 2 verse 11 Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you, he is the Messiah, the Lord. When did you see the first TV advert for Christmas? Most of the time, I “zone out” when adverts are on but a few days ago I was aware of seeing one…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 23rd October 2022

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time                        Year C                         23rd October 2022 Lectionary Readings: Jeremiah 14 v7-10, 19-22;     Psalm 84 v1-7;     2 Timothy 4 v6-8, 16-18;     Luke 18 v9-14. Better? ‘Jesus told a story to some people who thought they were better than others and who looked down on everyone else.’ (Luke 18 v9) The story…


A business man was reflecting on his position whilst sitting in church. He took time to pray to Jesus. “I have used my talents, started several businesses up, made them profitable with big dividends for the shareholders. I attend church every Sunday, give regularly, support the church mission work. Why do I still feel unfulfilled?…

Truly valuing one another

The comedian Peter Kay said in one of his routines a few years ago that he liked to take his mam shopping, because in doing so, that allowed him to legitimately park in a parent and child parking space.  The thought of a grown man in his mid to late forties taking his mum shopping,…

Have you ever…

The Thought for the Day is from Proverbs 4 v 23.Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it Ever tried painting a room without splattering paint on yourself? Or playing ball without getting dirty? Or washing the car without getting wet? It’s hard, isn’t it? How about living in modern society and staying…

Tomatoes and Tom toms:

Singing the ‘Harvest Samba’ (if you don’t know this it is basically a list of food set to a samba tune reeled out annually for primary school children to celebrate harvest festival with a not too Christian emphasis) with my class on Thursday I was struck again by the diversity of nature. Just taking fruit…