News (Page 102)


An earlier article by Liz Cope included the following comments and if you want to read them in context look at 31 October 2022. “We do this every day – make assumptions, consciously and unconsciously. It is not something we can prevent, but what we can do is recognise when it is happening and try…


Two weeks ago we had a partial solar eclipse on 25th October. On that day I was driving down to London at about the time the eclipse was happening. I resisted the temptation to look at the sun for several reasons, one being I was driving around the M25 with hundreds of other motorists! However…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 20th November 2022

Sunday before Advent                                  Year C                         20th November 2022 Lectionary Readings: Jeremiah 23 v1-6;  Psalm 46;  Colossians 1 v11-20;  Luke 23 v33-43. Christ the King. The lectionary year closes with readings that remind us of who it is that we follow on our journey as disciples. During the prophet Jeremiah’s lifetime, Babylonia conquered Judah…

Lest we forget

I love villages that have maintained their historical feel while finding a place in the modern world.  Lavenham in Suffolk is a good example not far away from where we now live, but one of my favourite places is Dent in north Yorkshire. The village is accessed along single-track roads and can be a nightmare…

Mind the Gap

The Thought for the Day is from Matthew 22 v 37. Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind Throughout the London Underground system are signs that warn “Mind the Gap.” They remind travellers to pay attention to the space between the train and…

Forgive and love your enemies

There are several interesting stories associated with Leonardo Da Vinci’s painting of ‘The Last Supper’, here is one of them: Around the time Leonardo started to paint this painting he had an enemy who also painted. He despised him after having had a bitter argument with him. When he got to paint the face of…

Vocation or Task

Today’s gospel reading is that challenging parable about what we earn, if we are in paid employment [Matthew 20:1-16]. It also reveals a message about how we deal with the things we do in life, not least our voluntary roles and responsibilities in our churches and more widely. At the risk of losing all the…