News (Page 10)


Last week I started by saying that I had just taken down my Christmas cards. This week I have just taken down my birthday cards. I’m a New Year baby and according to my family it causes them many problems as it’s so close to Christmas that they have no idea what to get me.…

Fashion Show

Later today, I will be travelling into London to a fashion show. Not that I’m up with the latest trends and designs. Anyone who knows me will be well aware of that! However, it has become an annual event that soon after Twelfth Night, I attend a certain designer’s show by special invitation. For that…

A righteous act

Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Rev Claire Jones A righteous act Something to read Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan, to be baptized by him. John would have prevented him, saying, ‘I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?’ But…


 A cartoon from three years ago reappeared recently with two characters in a brief conversation. The first asked, “What exactly is a New Year’s Resolution?” and the response, “It’s a To-Do List for the first week of January!” So, if you made any resolutions have they already expired?  It is claimed that one of the…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 12th January 2025

First Sunday of Ordinary Time       Year C                                     12th January 2025 Lectionary Readings:   Isaiah 43 v1-7;    Psalm 29;    Acts 8 v14-17;    Luke 3 v15-17, 21-22. Symbols of God’s presence. In response to the crowd’s speculation that he might be ‘the Messiah’, John the Baptist said, “I am baptizing with water. But someone more powerful is…


Our house group have been studying the York Course over the period of Advent. The title of the course was “The Life in the comma” and involved watching a video led by  John Bell, of the Iona Community, in conversation with Smitha Prasadam, Bishop of Huddersfield and Lauren Windle, a journalist. John Bell explained that…