Little Lambs Toddler Group

Little Lambs Toddler Group is based at Landseer Road Methodist Church and has continued to meet, online every week since the lock-down began.

The first few weeks were definitely a learning process as we had to adapt to using technology to communicate with the members of the group in new ways. A weekly session now consists firstly, of an online craft session with Helena or Elizabeth, then we have story time with Linda and finally singing with Elizabeth, all hosted on Facebook live. After the singing has finished we host a zoom session for the mums and children to meet up and chat.

The videos are left on Facebook so members of the toddler group who don’t watch live, can catch up later.

We are able to interact with the parents and children during the sessions using Facebook live and the children that are watching love to hear their names added into the songs 🙂 We make sure we sing Happy Birthday to anyone whose birthday will fall in the coming week.

Although we are enjoying these sessions immensely, we do look forward to the days when we will be able to meet up in person again.