Joan’s Jottings – July 2022

Dear Siblings in Christ,

As I was preparing worship last week, I came across the hymn whose first line is ‘Moses, I know you’re the man,’ the Lord said. It is number 473 in Singing the Faith and was written by Estelle White. It was new to me, but after a few inquiries, I discovered that it is a hymn that is familiar to many of you. The chorus words are:

So every day, we’re on our way,
for we’re a travelling, wandering race,
we’re the people of God.

In verse two, we are told to not get overly set in our ways and that God will go before us. In verse three, we are reminded that, whatever happens, God will be faithful and God’s love will strengthen us.

This last three years as your minister has not been the journey that any of us could have predicted. While the world came to a stand-still and we were unable to physically travel, we went on a spiritual journey together. With the nudging of the Holy Spirit, you bravely accepted new ways of working and connecting so that our work as the people of God continued.

We pulled together as a circuit offering online worship, thoughts for the day, weekly emails, children’s video activities, zoom studies, zoom fellowship, and even zoom choir; and for those without computers lots of phone calls, letters, and printed services. As in-person attendance became possible, we began at Museum Street to experiment with livestreaming and hybrid working to reach both those at home and those able to be there in person, while Landseer Road added ministries to serve the ever-growing numbers of families looking for a safe space to connect. And last autumn the whole circuit focused on climate action and awareness, and we took that work a step further during Lent this year.

We also discovered the value of working together as church leaders across the three churches.  As we met over zoom, we were able to share ideas and decide the best ways to open our buildings and keep people safe. When any church struggled, the others stepped in to help. This magazine also broadened its focus to cover all three churches. We’re a travelling, wandering race.

In Ipswich, all the Christian churches are coming together in a new way. Together for Ipswich was formed after a conference in April 2021, “Ipswich I’m in”, was held to celebrate the many initiatives underway to support those in need in the town and to explore how to do more together. The main purpose of Together for Ipswich is to provide a communication vehicle between the civic authorities, churches, and charities to enable a way to explore shared initiatives and effective partnership. The war in Ukraine has led to a co-ordinated response to Ukrainian refugees arriving in Ipswich. On Monday 27th June, a “Cost of Living” summit was held to explore the problems being seen in Ipswich right now and how we can work together. It was inspiring to hear what is happening already and to think about the part that our circuit churches can play.

I believe, as all these experiences demonstrate, that collaborative working in partnership with others will be important as you all travel into the future. We have begun taking some of those steps, my prayer is that you can capitalise on the momentum.

God has been faithfully loving and strengthening us. As my journey here draws to a close, I know that you will continue on your way as a travelling, wandering race. Your churches will continue to go through change and life will still bring unexpected situations, but as you follow Jesus and listen to the Holy Spirit, I trust that God will lead you to some amazing places. I am sad to leave you all, yet excited to see what is going to unfold and where Adrian and I will be led!

So every day, we’re on our way,
for we’re a travelling, wandering race,
we’re the people of God.

Wednesday Coffee Morning from 10 a.m. to 11.30 at Museum Street By prior arrangement, you can also join by Zoom – contact us for access information. No coffee on 6th July due to a funeral.
Friday Coffee Morning from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. at Chantry.
Friday Tea & Toast from 9.15 to 10.30 at Landseer Road; mid-week activities (Toddlers, Choir and Craft Club) are running during term term.

The next Circuit Service is on Sunday 17th July at 3 p.m. at Landseer Road. Please join us for this Farewell Service as you all say goodbye to Rev. Martin Dawes and Pam (in absentia), and also myself and Adrian. There is more information in the Connections magazine (red button below).

Sign up for the new weekly Ipswich Round email with news from around the circuit. There is information on weekly services, ministers messages, what’s on information and anything thing that will help us to communicate better between the 22 churches within the circuit. To be added to the mailing list, please sign up here. You can unsubscribe at any time.

The July issue of our joint magazine for the three churches has been published with lots more information. Read it here.

Here is July’s preaching plan (*=communion). Or download the plan for the whole circuit.

9.30 a.m.
Museum St
10.45 a.m.
Landseer Rd
11 a.m.
Video Sermon
from 6 a.m.
3rd JulyR. Sawyer*Pell
10.30 a.m.
Café Church
10th JulyM. FinbowVallow WelbournCope
17th July10 a.m. – *PellNicholsNo worship serviceJ Cassidy
24th JulyD. SawyerFinbows12.45 p.m. *PellSankey
231st JulyRokobuli*Pell (Livestreamed) 10.45 a.m. @Museum StreetM Cassidy

In Christ,  
–Pastor Joan  
Rev. Joan Pell

Joan’s Jottings are written to the churches at Museum Street, Landseer Road and Chantry where Joan is the minister, and a monthly summary is shared here for all to read.

Click here for previous Joan’s Jottings.