Joan’s Jottings for 24th May

Dear Siblings in Christ,

Today’s service will be available online here as we continue our series Tales of Peter’s Discipleship Journey on this Ascension Sunday and Aldersgate Day. From Simon to Peter is our theme as we hear about Peter declaring that Jesus is the Messiah and then Jesus giving Peter a new identity.

Arts & Craft Fair. At this time of year, the Ipswich Methodist Circuit normally holds their biennial Arts and Craft competition. This year we have had to cancel this due to the Coronavirus pandemic. However, we know that there are many of you out there that are creating all kinds of wonderful Art and Craft pieces and we would like to give you the chance to show the rest us what you have been up to. To this end the Circuit is planning to hold an online Arts and Crafts exhibition in July. There are going to be no specific categories as such but we welcome your Sewing, Knitting, Gardening, Painting, Woodwork, Model making, Baking, Restorations, Candle making, Photography, Drawing…. anything at all that is keeping you busy during these difficult times. To enter, please take a photograph or video of your creations. Entries need to be sent in by 30th June and can be either emailed to or posted to the following address: Robin Pattinson, 4 Thurmans Lane, Trimley St Mary, Felixstowe, IP11 0SR. We look forward to receiving your entries and sharing these across the circuit. Download the poster here.

Please do not forget to send me a photograph of yourself wearing something red or orange or yellow. These will be featured in next Sunday’s Pentecost service. Deadline: Wednesday. Contact me here.

You can find the daily Thy Kingdom Come videos and podcasts here. Let’s light up Suffolk with prayer.

Here are a few Ascension Day jokes.

  • To those who wonder what the feast of Ascension is about: it’s the day when Jesus started to work from home.

I am keeping you in my prayers. May God’s peace be with you all,
In Christ
–Pastor Joan  

Rev. Joan Pell

Joan’s Jottings are written to the churches at Museum Street, Landseer Road and Chantry where Joan is the minister, and shared here for all to read.

Click here for previous Joan’s Jottings.