Good Friday

Thought for the day – Good Friday 10th April 2020

During Holy Week we prepare ourselves through the different parts of the Easter story. From Palm Sunday through to Easter Sunday. For today we would like to look at the solider who was at the crosses on Good Friday. Here is a monologue written from the soldiers Perspective.

I’ve never seen dark like that in the day. People think of Golgotha as dark. I admit it can get dark in a storm, but not like that. Anyway, no rain or clouds, just pitch black for three hours when it should be broad daylight. Maybe God couldn’t bear to watch.

I watched. The poor guy yelled as if to someone miles away- asked God why he’d gone and left him alone. I think we all felt alone in those hours, couldn’t see far enough to feel a friend. The daylight savings back now but it still feels cold.

They never finish that loud. Not usually that quick either. Normal way is slow suffocation and no breath left to croak. It was like this one chose to go. Made some kind of statement and wanted everyone to know.

And when he did it, the earth shook. I don’t know if it was fear or rage, but I tell you straight- it was shaking. There were breaking rocks and groans underground.

I’ve done this a few fair times. It’s a job. But it never felt like this. I’m not scared. I don’t get scared.. Alright… Maybe a bit. What’s bothering me?? Big, hairy, scary me?… This ones rattled me.

Some deserve it, some don’t. I like to try and figure out which. Check for the evidence in how they take. Check on the faces of whoever turns up. Looking around these faces. I can’t get a consensus.

Loss of a hero.

Chuffed at just desserts.





No two faces the same. But I think I know….

Surely there was something in the rumours. Surely there was something beyond him. This was the son of God.

And I just watched him die…

The solider in this monologue is thinking about who Jesus was, what his story was, who was there to watch him be crucified. Before that day he didn’t know who Jesus was, that he had been sent down by God. He didn’t know the miracles that Jesus had performed and how much help he had given to others. But after this he realised who he was “This man was the Son of God”

Hearing the story from the soldier’s point of view put things into perspective about the story of that Dark day. Which at the time must have been hard for all who were there that day.

It brings what is happening in our world today too light. We are in an un-nerving time. All we can do is look after each other and try and keep the light of Jesus and God shining through us.


Be our Light
As our whole country seems to be in a darker place Lord,
Allow us to see you showing your light,
Showing it in Doctors and Nurses who are still working,
Carers who still go into other people’s homes,
Shop workers who are abused and mistreated
Next door neighbours who ‘just had to check,
And everyone who just ask’s a stranger how they are,
We know that you are with us as we travel through these hard times,
Help me help those who feel isolated inside and,
Please God, help me make my spirit and my faith their light, so I can help them out of their darkened place.
With your strength and your love


Anna Howes and Stuart Warman