I have had my friend and her husband from Australia visiting us and it has been a wonderful time together.  They were due to come before Covid and at last have been able to come.  She is the sort of friend who you pick up with as if you had seen her yesterday – a special feeling. 

It has reminded me of a piece by Patricia Carter called Friendship:

“Friendship is like a garden of flowers fine and rare.

It cannot reach perfection except by loving care.

Then new and lovely blossoms

With each new day appear.

For friendship, like a garden,

Grows in beauty year by year.

There’s happiness in little things,

There’s joy in passing pleasure.

For friendships are from year to year

The best of all life’s treasure.”

So let us treasure our friendships and also work on our relationship with Jesus, who is always with us, our friend whose last words to his disciples were – Lo, I am with you to the ends of the earth”. (Matthew 28;20).