Climb every mountain

I recently joined with a group of us from Elmsett to visit one of our church members who has been in hospital following a severe stroke. He had suggested that we could meet in the chapel at All Hallows, Ditchingham and share in worship together. It was wonderful to have a full church with voices joining together as we sang.

The theme of the Service was climbing mountains, something someone with complete weakness in one side of the body would struggle to do. However, our friend spoke of how as a result of life suddenly changing for him, and having to face what seems like an impossible mountain to climb, remembering those words from Psalm 121 “I look to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord.”

When we were planning the act of worship I asked him what hymns/songs or music he would like. The reply was, “I don’t mind, you choose, but one thing I do want is Peggy Wood singing Climb every mountain.” So this was duly organised, with a wonderful explanation from him, seated in his wheelchair, now heavily dependent on others for his care, of how in the film “The Sound of Music,” Mother Superior is counselling the young novice Maria who is questioning her calling to Holy Orders. The other sisters are all grumbling and criticising, but Mother Superior sees beyond Maria’s exuberance and flightiness and encourages Maria to “climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, ‘til you find your dream.”

This was particularly apt as he explained the history of the All Hallows chapel. It was built during the time of Henry VIII and the persecution of Catholics, by a Holy Order of nuns and has remained as a chapel to this day.

It’s important when faced with those mountains to climb, and rivers to cross, that we have dreams and goals to reach for. For those like my friend, it may be to be able to feed oneself or to be able to hug a loved one.

We each have our own mountains to climb, and may we know that our loving and compassionate Father is our travelling companion along the way, encouraging, guiding and raising us up.