Thought for the day (Page 68)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)


I derive considerable pleasure from listening to YouTube Christian music from several American pianists and a church choir in Texas. I was interested in a spiritual song I heard recently that included the phrase, “I’m ready when you call me Lord, but give me just a little more time”.  That, of course, is not the…

Best of all

This thought was first published in 2021 “The best thing of all is God is with us.” These were the last words of John Wesley as he lay on his death bed. The reality of God’s presence was what he held onto in his final moments. We are fortunate to have the legacy of those…

Under pressure

I survived for the first sixty years of my life without giving much thought to how many steps I was doing each day.  I can remember a colleague way back in the seventies saying that we should be provided with pedometers at work to record how many steps we took in any given day, and…


Anniversaries can be joyful but they can also be very sad. The 26th of April is going to be a sad one for our family as our beloved shih tzu, Misty, crossed the Rainbow Bridge two years ago. She was over 15 years old and in her last year she suffered many health problems but…

Defying gravity?

Just after Easter, we walked the ‘Henley loop’ with my sister and brother in law. It was a bright breezy day but the ground was damp and muddy. I was bringing up the rear. Each time we came to a muddy patch, I would stop and assess how best to cross it. Could I skirt…


The world of the emoji is peripheral to the one I inhabit. It is easy to imply extreme reactions to otherwise mundane, everyday events. We become overreactors and if that happens, how do we respond when something truly unusual occurs? I know I can be on the blunt side; I prefer not to use opaque…


Now that many of our Easter Celebrations are over, I am back to my Eddie Askew book. This morning I have been reading “The Bird Seed Takeaway”.  It really does relate to my garden.  He talks about filling the bird feeder with a mix of seeds and peanuts and watching through the Kitchen window, which…


A quick check of the internet throws up the interesting (startling) fact that of the approximately 200 countries in the world, over 25% or one quarter of them are ruled by autocrats or dictators. Some are so well known and obvious that we could rattle of their names without much hesitation. There are some who…

Living with Differences

Until recently, I had never heard of the village of Llanymynech, which, as you might guess from the name, is located in Wales, well, almost.  What makes Llanymynech an interesting place, is that thee border between England and Wales runs along the A483, North Road, the main street in the village, meaning that residents on…

The master weaver

I used to do a lot of cross stitch pictures but now that my eyesight is not so good, I only do small ones and only in good daylight. It’s amazing how a picture is created with carefully chosen colours and stitches. Also, how the front is very neat but the back can look quite…