Thought for the day (Page 49)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)


This weekend holds many eventful dates for me. The 7th September is the ninth anniversary of my sister’s death. The 8th is Drew and I’s 41st wedding anniversary. Last year we celebrated our Ruby anniversary by isolating as Drew was going into Royal Papworth to have a Triple Bypass, which was successfully carried out on the 10th September.…

Boldly go…

8th September is officially Star Trek Day. The US TV series that ‘boldly went where no one had ever gone before’ was first aired in 1966. I loved this programme when I was young and remember that it used to be broadcast on a Wednesday evening – and so nothing else could be booked for…

The Gardener

We have lived in our house for just under 30 years. In that time, the bungalow opposite has had three occupants. The first was gardener of significant ability; the place was a picture, something flowering almost all the year round. She was continually pruning, planting and generally injecting love and enthusiasm in a way that…

God knows me

This contribution was written by Dr Frances Clemson, Faith Communications and Just Scripture Specialist at Christian Aid. “And even the hairs of your head are all counted” Matthew 10 v 30 Something to think about: My thinking about this verse changed when I started reading about the early Christians and the persecution they experienced.…


On the day of writing this, it’s the anniversary of the death of my aunt. Parts of that day will always stick in my mind, and in some moments, tears accompany the memories. However, this is not a sad thought. I went to church this morning, for the first time in a few weeks, due…

Moving mountains

This TFTD is based on the message we heard at Elmsett a few weeks ago, based on Mark 11:22-26 and Ephesians 6: 11-15. Jesus, on his way to Jerusalem, had seen a fig tree in full leaf but no fruit. He cursed the tree and the next day the disciples noticed its leaves had withered…


On the first day of our summer holiday, we called at Morrisons supermarket at Enterprise Five in Bradford, Karen, my wife fell and consequently we spent the first evening of our holiday at A&E at the Bradford Royal Infirmary where we discovered that not only had she broken her elbow, but she also had arthritis…

The warmth of the sun

My family are all Lego fans and in fact my son’s partner took him to visit Legoland at Windsor for his 40th birthday present just the other weekend. I now get lovely flowers to build with Lego and the photo I’ve included is of my two sunflowers. I like sunflowers as they look happy with…

Commission Impossible?

A couple of weeks ago, we went to the cinema to watch the latest ‘Mission Impossible’ film. Since I hadn’t seen any of the others in the franchise, I had been given a crash course and screening of most of those in the series so that I was grounded in the necessary character profiles and…

Special Places

On our recent holiday in The Lake District, we climbed Great Gable. The Westmorland Cairn at one side of the rocky summit of the mountain was a special place for my Grandparents and my aunts. Standing there overlooking Wasdale and, when the mist allowed, looking across to Scafell Pike I was reunited with past generations…