Minister’s Messages (Page 14)

Joan’s Jottings for 4th April

Holy Week is upon us! Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. The worship service will be available as video or audio on the website. There is also a ‘Stations of the Cross’ brochure for you to use during Holy Week. Experience at your own pace the Way of the Cross through a series of images and readings depicting the Passion Story with accompanying questions for contemplation.

Reflection from Rev. Diane Smith

Last night Nigel recorded a reflection from me. I mean the words with all sincerity but the production is very Heath Robinson as it was done on my iPhone. I hope and pray that it will be of some help, but let’s be honest I won’t be hearing from a TV producer just yet. If the amateur nature gives you a laugh it would have done some good. I knew it was pretty naff when Nigel said to me, the next one is bound to l be better