Minister’s Messages (Page 12)

Julian of Norwich

The first of a number of short reflections from Rev’d Diane Smith inspired by the writings of Julian of Norwich. During lockdown we have been enjoying more than ever programmes like “Gardeners World”. Many of you may have in your gardens ornamental bird baths, perhaps even with these famous words inscribed. “The kiss of the…

Joan’s Jottings for 30th April

We rejoice with today’s news that in the UK we are past the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak in the general population. At the same time, we hold those in care homes in our prayers as the infections and deaths there continue to rise. We continue to hope and trust in God’s faithfulness and know that nothing can ever separate us from the love of God.

Joan’s Jottings for 23rd April

Happy St. George’s Day! Find some interesting facts here. Did you know that: During the Middle Ages, people believed that St George was one of the ‘Fourteen Holy Helpers’ – a group of saints who could help during epidemic diseases. St George’s protection was invoked against several nasty diseases, many fatal and with infectious causes, including the Plague and leprosy.