Bridging the gap

I recently reached one of those points that will be familiar to many of you. The daily juggling act of work priorities (for which I am paid), and volunteering (for which I pay) is usually manageable. Then along comes a whole new list of demands in the latter category and I have had to say, be careful, that may be a bridge too far. The gap between time available and time required was becoming unbridgeable.

The October deluge here took out at least two footbridges over the river that I often use. One has been replaced but the other, being quite inaccessible is likely to take longer to repair. It is part of one of my favourite, but slightly longer walks that is only really possible when the ground is not very wet. As spring comes, the dilemma will be whether to clamber through the river, walk an additional couple of miles, or forget the route until the bridge is back.

This made me stop to think about the finely balanced nature of life for many people. Everything works while the bridges are in place but if a storm takes one out, the landscape alters, and the previously achievable journey becomes unmanageable.

God calls his followers to listen and be obedient to his calling. God does not, however, break people. If we feel close to breaking point and something seems to be a bridge too far, then that is very likely the case – something on the ‘to-do’ list is not God’s work and needs to go. Everyone around us will demand time because that is how life works; it is up to each individual to look at pressures and priorities with God and ask, ‘which are really my business?’

A Prayer

God who calls us to follow and to serve, we know that you challenge us, but you never call us to accede to unmanageable demands and if anything, you show us how to bridge gaps. We thank you that you are always with us in the work you have called us to do; your presence beside us assures us when have prioritised our lives using your advice. Thank you for always being there. Amen.