Posts by .Staff (Page 18)

Freedom from the past Something to read Since the law has only a shadow of the good things to come and not the true form of these realities, it can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered year after year, make perfect those who approach. Otherwise, would they not have ceased being offered, since the worshippers,…


Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by is Rev Claire Jones Something to read By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to set out for a place that he was to receive as an inheritance; and he set out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he stayed for a…

Great and small

Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Rev Cl\ire Jones Something to read Praise the Lord from the earth, you sea monsters and all deeps, fire and hail, snow and frost, stormy wind fulfilling his command! Mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars! Wild animals and all cattle, creeping…

Do not be afraid

Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Rev Claire Jones Something to read Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. Her…