Posts by Raymond Wilson (Page 18)

The Book Thief (dvd)

The Book Thief  (dvd)  2013  125 minutes  £3 The particular interest in this film is mainly in its setting. Germany in the 1930s and 1940s is where this story takes place, the period which saw the rise of the Nazi party under Adolf Hitler leading to the second World War. A young girl, Liesel, is…

The power of personal testimony

Imagine the pride and sense of achievement if you were only one of a dozen people to do something really impressive, something  that no-one else had ever done. James Irwin walked on the moon ! How’s that for a lifetime achievement ! All the more surprising is that James always wanted to be in the…

The power of personal testimony

Police Inspector Barry Wright was not just a policeman at Scotland Yard, he was also an ordained priest in the church of England.. The odd thing, looking back to his early life, is that, even as a child, he wanted to be both a policeman and a priest but he didn’t know what to do…

The power of personal testimony

Daniel was the youngest of three children and the shortest at six feet one inch. He came from a baker’s family and, leaving school at 15, joined the family firm selling bread and cakes. He had an inexhaustible love of painting which would eventually lead him into serious trouble. He’d stop and paint or sketch…

Haunted by Christ – Book Review

Haunted by Christ : modern writers and the struggle for faith by Richard Harries. SPCK, 2019£9.99 228 pages ISBN 978 0 281 079 346 also available as an ebook The former Bishop of Oxford has written here about 20 modern writers, mostly British, in 15chapters. The approach, in particular, is to examine what part Christian…

A Thousand Tongues / Wesley Hymns

A thousand tongues : the Wesley hymns as a guide to scriptural teaching      by  John Lawson.  Paternoster, 2007 ISBN 978 1 842 275 504  £12.99 Wesley hymns.   Hinde St. Methodist Church, 2018  ISBN 978 0 992 613 204  £18 The volume and extent of Charles Wesley’s hymns reveal only too clearly the breadth, depth…

The power of personal testimony

The Alpha course attracts positive and negative comment. Consider, for example, the story of Simon Dixon, a talented musician who began the piano at the age of 5. Simon’s story is too long to go into all the detail here but a full career in church music, teaching, conducting and concerts filled his life, ‘music…

Scripture Twisting

Scripture Twisting : twenty ways the cults misread the Bible by James W Sire IVP Books, 1980180 pages £14 ISBN 978 0 877 846 116 That there are so many competing religions and philosophies with ardent followers is sign enoughof hunger for the meaning of life, spiritual satisfaction and moral certainty – as the experience…

God of wonders – DVD review

God of Wonders   dvd  Eternal Productions, 2008  84 mins.  £12 Available from Amazon and Eden Bookshop, Cambridge Watching this film is worth it for the beautiful photography alone but the American producers do use the opportunity to preach the gospel. Critics and committed unbelievers might find the interspersed commentary superfluous, spoiling enjoyment of the magnificent…