Posts by Liz Cope (Page 14)

“Give us this day our daily bread”

We are now many weeks after Easter and all the Easter eggs are probably long gone. Did you know that chocolate was around over 1400 years ago? 600AD – Mayans drank a cold drink made from cacao beans 1325AD – Aztecs make a drink with honey and cocoa. They believed that eating cacao beans gave…


Four years ago I was travelling back from Scotland. We reached Northumberland and the road we wanted to travel on was closed. We were diverted across the North Pennines, and came across a gem of a village, Blanchland. Whilst planning our summer holidaying June this year, we decided to make Blanchland our “stopover” on our…

Lord’s Prayer

We have recently had a Prayer Day with our local Primary School where we explored creative ways of saying the Lord’s Prayer. How often so we say the Lord’s Prayer – most, if not all Sundays? But how often do we stop and think about what it really means? Here are some of my thoughts.…

Sorry I stole your car

I was sent the image and the words attached to this TFTD via Social Media and wanted to share it further. “Sorry I stole your car. Saved my family!”- an incredible story from a resident of Kyiv.“ I left the bomb shelter and saw a car with keys in the ignition near the store. I…

Just as we are

The Sunday before last I was due to lead worship at Framlingham, some 27 miles from where I live. It was forecast to be a pleasant sunny day, so I decided the night before to cycle. I calculated that I needed to leave a couple of hours, so set off at 8.30am, leaving plenty of…

Welcome home!

My son recently returned from Australia for a holiday after 3 and a half years away. He and his girlfriend flew into Manchester airport, as they were visiting her parents initially. I did feel momentarily envious that they were going there first, but then realised they would have got over the jetlag by the time…