
Today is the day we celebrate the Annunciation, that is the visitation of the Angel Gabriel to tell Mary she is going to conceive a baby, even though she is still a virgin, and that he will be called Jesus, Son of God.

Mary didn’t consider herself important. She was engaged to Joseph, a carpenter, who didn’t consider himself important. Some ninth months later they had to travel to Bethlehem, but had nowhere to stay, and ended up sheltering with the animals in some outbuildings of a local Inn.

God however knew. He saw the potential in Mary and Joseph. He saw that they were obedient, courageous, faithful. He saw that in their humble home they would provide all the earthly needs of their firstborn son.

What does God see in us?

We may not think we are important enough. We may not think we are clever enough.

Are we obedient, courageous, faithful?

In our Covenant prayer we say to God,

“I am no longer my own but yours. Put me to what you will, rank me with who you will; put me to doing, put me to suffering; let me employed for you or laid aside for you, exalted for you or brought low for you; let me be full, let me be empty, let me have all things, let me have nothing.”

God knows our potential, and he can use each one of us, or none of us, even when we don’t believe in our own abilities. He can do great things, or small things, through us.

Prayer: Father God, as Mary was obedient, courageous and faithful, may we respond likewise whenever and however you call us. AMEN