A good friend is a special gift, given to us along the chequered path of life to help us and lift our spirits in times of trouble, and to share happy experiences that become part of a shared history.
I have such a friend in Angela, who I met in my first week at university in 1967 and she has remained loyal and committed to our friendship since then. It is in some ways surprising that we are still in close touch as she and her husband moved to the States in the 1980’s and I have, to my shame, never visited them over there. Angela, however, has visited the UK and seen me most years since settling over there and, when my husband died, she booked a flight from Oregon and came to the funeral, That really is a true friend.
This last week I haven’t been sleeping well. I had heard about the dreadful fires in California and yet it took several days before I realised the fires had spread to Oregon where my friends live. I e mailed immediately and received a reply within a few hours, ” We are packed. Everything at the front door in case we get evacuation notice. West side of Portland evacuated. Smoke really bad and no electricity for 3 days after storm but good to have internet back”I have prayed for them so much since then, first of all for their personal safety but also asking for protection for their much loved home if that be God’s will. And I have prayed for those whose homes were burnt down, and for their practical care and restoration, at a time when Covid rules must make everything so much harder. I have also spent time thinking about what I would pack in suitcases if I had a short time to gather belongings and paperwork together before fleeing my home.
Thankfully my friends are still in their home a week later, although unable to go out or open windows as the air quality is so hazardous, “smokey, foggy and grey pallor everywhere. keeping the windows shut and we have headaches”. Angela has contributed much more than 50% to our friendship over the years with all the travelling she has done visiting the UK .
I hope the assurance of my prayers have helped her during such an anxious time, and I keep on praying for those who have fared worse and have lost their homes.
Philippians 4. v 6. “The Lord is near; have no anxiety but in everything make your requests known to God in prayer and petition with thanksgiving. Then the peace of God, which is beyond understanding, will guard over your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus”