
Thought for the day – Friday 10th July 2020

Recently some Bible reading notes I use, focused on the account in Nehemiah of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. 

When the damage to the city was reported he said ” You see the trouble we are in”. ( Neh 2:17)

However it is then recorded ” I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me”

This encouraged the people to reply ” Let us start rebuilding” .

It got me thinking about our current situation. It can feel that personally, or as communities, we are in a whole lot of trouble. 

But it is also true that for many of us we will have recognised the grace of God, the riches of Christ in us and the unfailing comfort of the Holy Spirit. 

Coming out of lock-down can have almost as many challenges as being in lock-down. But let’s focus on the gracious hand of God as we seek to rebuild our lives, our relationships and our communities. 

I pray that you will know His hand upon you,